Different between polyester and nylon

Fabric polyester is made by the chemical synthetic fibre,it belongs to polyester system. Mesh polyester has advantage of solvent resistance, high temperature resistance, water resistance, chemical resistance. Although when the polyester mesh suffer much bigger external pressure, its physical performance is Read more

Standard Measurements in Sports

Standard Measurements in Sports

Here you can find the standard measurements used in baseball, basketball, bowling, boxing, football, golf, hockey, and tennis. Read more

Netting # and breaking data

I think most people want to know the netting # and breaking strength of the neeting, so that can make out a good choice, hope below chart can help you have a better understanding, thanks. Read more

homestar netting

Color netting or original netting?

Why Color Netting? Why do people go for color sports netting? I understand that maybe the customer prefers to match up the colors of the school, little league baseball or park but is that the logical thing to do. What most people don’t understand and what seems to be the obvious is that the color netting lasts for a little while until the sun get a hold of it. Read more